Opera Performances
So as to enrich students’ spiritual and cultural life and carry forward Chinese traditional culture, on the morning of 13th November, 2018, all the teachers and students from Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior High Department of the west campus watched the 2018 Anqing opera masters’ grass-root level performances.
During the grand event, the host invited the highly skilled national first-class performers to go up on the stage and present an audio-visual feast for all the teachers and students. Besides, the actors actively interacted with the students and taught them to sing the opera in person, which fully aroused students’ interest in opera. On the other hand, Anqing Foreign Language School’s teacher Ye Jianfei appeared on the stage and performed the Huangmei opera ‘Both Husband and Wife Return Home’. The actors’ brilliant performances won applause from the audience.
In the meantime, the art masters went deep into the campus to conduct close interaction with Anqing Foreign Language School’s students. They spoke highly of students’ sense of discipline when they gathered at the scene, the swiftness and quietness of their entrance and exit in addition to their close collaboration!
To sum up, this activity has diversified forms and rich contents as well. Therefore, students’ opera literacy has been effectively cultivated.





